Purging my office has been the work of the week.
I started in one corner, found amazing little treasures that I remembered once I saw them (like my true-to-life Mont Blanc pen), but had forgotten in general. So far I’ve been ruthless about letting go of things I no longer need. And I have two more corners to go.
What has been fascinating this week, going through the flotsam and jetsam of the work-related ‘things’ I’ve saved, is discovering how much I no longer have interest in, which tells me that my own inner work is yielding fruit. In a previous blog I mentioned the need for interior space to be able to hear the soul’s call. I am hearing it. Certain aspects of my work life are no longer as important, so the transition to what is right for me to contribute work-wise is in full motion.
A declaration: My best work is ahead of me! I am imagining the freedom of saying yes to what I want to bring forward, unencumbered by what no longer satisfies.
In pragmatic terms…All the articles I saved for the right moment with a client — gone. I can always find those articles, or something better, online. All the notebooks from earlier trainings that I either attended or presented — gone. All the how-to books that seemed so right at the time — gone. (I am looking for a twenty-something who might enjoy reading them.) All the philosophy books that were so important 20 years ago — gone. You get the picture.
I have piles everywhere, still, and two more days of this purge.
I can feel the layers lifting. The good questions I’ve asked myself this week is: what made you believe you needed all that stuff? What is allowing you to now let go of it? Where have you come to in your life that has you feeling so grounded without all of it?
Even though I saved the Mont Blanc pen, I feel like this little thought from Leonard Cohen, one of my favorite voices throughout my adult life:
“Only one thing made him happy and now that it was gone everything made him happy.” ~Leonard Cohen, “Leonard Koan”
This entry was posted in Transition, Well-Being on July 9, 2014.