"Our evolution as a global society depends on leaders and others stepping into the complexity
and ambiguity that eludes most people.” ~ Chris Wahl

Adult Development
Instead of accepting conventional thought that our development stops when we hit our twenties (it doesn't!), there is a growing body of compelling research on development across the lifespan, and particularly in leadership. Put into practice, the idea that we can develop beyond today has tremendous implications for what it means to lead and accomplish organizational imperatives.
When we apply developmental principles to organizational settings, we learn why leaders today need greater and greater capacity to see and respond. It's a VUCA world, folks, and we need leaders who can manage complexities without reactivity.
Cutting Edge Proposition
Adult Development theory is a game changer that few people know about. As one of a handful of coaches certified to administer and score the Maturity Assessment Profile (MAP) Chris has interpreted numerous assessment results for leaders and teams. Having studied adult development for over a decade, Chris uses MAP results to guide her clients to increasing their capacity to lead transformational change and live into the vision they imagine.
Applying the fundamentals of adult development to today’s business challenges is a cutting edge approach that encourages leaders to evolve conscious thought and leadership capacity. Our world needs leaders who can translate complexity and big business visions to promote the well-being of all people (the globe, yes), and enroll people to believe in a vision or a future they may not yet be able to see or understand. Such breakthroughs are indeed possible! The pragmatic application of this approach holds the key to understanding and averting many of the breakdowns and disconnects that people experience in organizational life, be it with colleagues, bosses, external stakeholders, or direct reports.

The Maturity Assessment Profile
Discover your stage of development and what it means for your leadership by taking the Maturity Assessment Profile, one of the most interesting assessments ever available to leaders. The MAP capitalizes on a leader’s unique voice to determine stage of development, transitions, and potential next steps.
Leaders may take the MAP anytime, and receive a debrief that will highlight strengths, values, and their own growing edges. For further information, email me at chriswahl30@gmail.com. Coaches who want to offer the MAP Assessment to their leader clients can do so through me. I will send them the MAP, loop you in, and debrief the results of the MAP with you and your client together.
Consulting in Adult Development
Chris is available for consulting on the topic of adult development. Chris is currently consulting to the head of a leadership development initiative for a multi-state organization. This leader is inspired to bring the concepts of stage development, in practical terms, to the organization’s highest-level leadership programs.
Speaker on Leadership
and Adult Development
Chris is available to speak at conferences and corporate meetings. With thoughtful, compelling, and inspiring messages, her talks stretch thinking and provide a platform for a new leadership conversation within organizations. Key topics include leadership, development, awareness, transition, resilience, aging, and well-being. Her talks are pragmatic and can be experiential. Chris will work with you to integrate the truths, norms, and challenges from your organization’s culture so that the talk with ‘hit home’ for your employees with what is true for your organization. For further details, contact Chris, chriswahl30@gmail.com.