I am often asked for help on great books for leaders, or how to find out more about working with teams, or how to find great coach training. Below you will find a few that may help you in your inquiry.
While my preferred way of learning is through conversation, books are also my friends and teachers. Especially when I feel another transition coming on, I head for the bookcase. So many authors have opened my eyes, regrounded me, or helped me validate what I know (yes, sometimes that helps). I get inspiration from all kinds of writing. Having read hundreds of books and poems, I offer a few here for you to consider, with the starred ones being the ones I go back to over and over.
Anam Cara by John O’Donohue (anything by him~ really)*
The Way of Transition by William Bridges*
Swamplands of the Soul, by James Hollis*
Prisms, by James Hollis*
Die Wise, by Stephen Jenkinson
The Power of Resilience, by Brooks and Goldstein
Meditation, by Eknath Easwaren
The End of Sorrow, by Eknath Easwaren
A Path with Heart, by Jack Kornfield*
Anything by Pema Chodron
Leadership and Self Deception, Arbinger Institute
The House of Belonging* and The Three Marriages* by David Whyte
Risking Everything, by Roger Housden*
The Earth is Enough, by Harry Middleton*
Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others, by James Flaherty
The Mindful Coach, and Presence-Based Coaching by Doug Silsbee
Your Brain at Work, by David Rock
Action Inquiry, by Bill Torbert and David Rooke
Mindsight, by Daniel J. Siegel
Gaviotas: A Village to Reinvent the World, by Alan Weisman
Emotional Chaos to Clarity, by Phillip Moffitt
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, by Susan Cain

Resources to learn more about adult development
​ The creator of the MAP assessment, Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter is a consummate expert in this theory. On her site you can download various white papers and immerse yourself in learning. Josephs and Joiner have written a user-friendly book on understanding stages of development and how they show up in leadership. Again, this is a place for white papers and more immersion. Dr. Otto Laske offers training and assessment in stage theory, and has white papers on his site as well.
Resources to learn more about coach training
Coach training programs have grown exponentially over the past several years. It is wise to do your homework and choose one that speaks to you, suits your learning style, and will provide you with frequent feedback. I often recommend these programs: New Ventures West, Newfield Network, Integral Coaching Canada, Coaches Training Institute, George Mason University, Georgetown University, Hudson Institute - there are many!
The International Coach Federation has a comprehensive website that outlines what it takes to become a coach, and features programs they have accredited. In my opinion, you are wise to go to a program accredited by ICF, as more and more organizations are demanding ICF credentials of the coaches they hire: