"Having participated in the leadership coaching program that Chris created, as well as her deep-dive workshops on Adult Development and Teams, I have learned practical skills, experienced deeper awareness, and learned to embody my authenticity, with the result always being a renewed self.” ~ M.M., President, Consulting Firm
Miro Group offers leadership and coach training workshops, designed around the latest research on leadership and coaching to provide a rich, invigorating, and transformative experience for workshop participants.
COVID has invited us to create virtual workshops that range from 90 minutes to full days. In collaboration between Miro Group and Collaborative Thinking, we developed our "New Reality" suite of workshops, which have been in great demand as organizations continue in work-from-home mode.
Some topics include:
* Finding Focus and Connection in Uncertain Times
* Leveraging Strengths in our New Reality
* Leading Others Through Turbulence
* Leading Adaptive Change
* Managing Boundaries at Work and Home
* Mindfulness
* Shifting Your State of Mind
* Collaborative Communication
* Effective Feedback
* Framing Conversations with Purpose
* Wellness @ Work
* From Conflict to Collaboration
* Manager as Coach
* Returning Together: Managing Anxiety during Transition
Contact us at chriswahl30@gmail.com for further information.

Workshops/Webinars for Coaches
Using Adult Development Theory
to Coach Leaders
Chris Wahl, MCC, offers this ICF-certified course that deepens the knowledge of coaches who wish to apply practical knowledge of adult development approaches to client work. Coaches who attend this webinar are introduced to the five stages most seen in the workplace, including what the stage offers in terms of learning, stage blind spots, and stage challenges. As a result, coaches are better able to identify useful approaches to take with their various clients, as well as understand their own strengths and opportunities from a stage development perspective. This course has been approved by ICF for 17.75 continuing education units.
Transitions and Resilience
Using stage development theory, myth, transition theory, and spiritual grounding as lenses for understanding transition, this year-long webinar focuses on multiple aspects of life and stage transitions (neither of which is understood nor honored in our go-go-go, do-do-do culture). Applying the tenets of healthy transitions to their own life, coaches learn first-hand how to recognize and work through transitions. Participants create a robust list of best practices, resources, and support for themselves, and by extension, clients in transition, with the intention of helping clients build more sustainable resilience and well-being.
Poetry as a Coaching Move
This ICF-accredited course is for coaches who wish to use poetry as a 'third thing' in working with clients. This virtual course offers three poems monthly, on topics that all clients encounter in their work, and which also follow ICF coaching competencies. Participants come together to explore what the poems reveal and how to use them with clients, and in so doing have shared that this hour per month is a respite, a place to re-ground, and a spot for shared community. Approved for 12 ICF CEUs.
For more information, contact Chris at chriswahl30@gmail.com.